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Resilience in the workplace


Daniel onyango





My name is Daniel onyango, and I was born without any disability. I was raised and taken to a public school with other children from my village.
At the age of 7 years, I started having eyesight problem, struggling reading on the blackboard and also reading text books. I was taken to various hospital for treatment for me to regain my sight back. Some of the family members started believing that it was witch craft but my parents never listen to them.
It took me three years without going to school because my parents couldn't afford to take me to a special school but by good luck I found a good Samaritan who took me outside the country for further treatment and I regain a little sight for movement. He accepted to pay for my school fees from primary level to campus.
After finishing my campus I got an opportunity to work in a restaurant as a store keeper, during the introduction and orientation, most employees were wondering how a visually impaired person would work as store keeper, keep the records and keep the store clean.

I felt rejected from the first impression I was given by the people I was expected to work with, but I took it positive and promised to prove them wrong.
After three months of working as a store keeper, everyone one was motivated with my work and I became friends with everyone in the restaurant. I was awarded as the best employee and promoted to be the assistant manager from a store keeper who was underrated and had only worked for three months.
I was the only person with disability in that restaurant and after proving to them that we don't need eyes to work, they started employing people with disability.
People with disability needs to know that not every one will accept us or want to associate with us but when given an opportunity, perform and have in mind that " Disability is not inability". Let's be self motivated and fight for any opportunity.

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Maryam Bandukda
Aug 22, 2024
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